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Tag: Sea Raven on Celtic Harp

Sunday, December 8, 2019



Cold Frosty Morn; Basque Carol; 5th Century Carol Medley Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

Welcome and Announcements


Advent Wreath Liturgy by Sister Marie Lucey of the Franciscan Action Network

Isaiah 11: 8-9: The baby shall play by the cobra’s den, and the child shall lay his hand on the adder’s lair. There shall be no harm or ruin on all my holy mountain. . .

Reflection: The context of this quote from the prophet Isaiah is Rule of Emmanuel. Following passages in social injustice and violence, Isaiah envisions a world of justice and peace where animals and children play together without fear. No child in this world should be hungry, or afraid, or mistreated, but many thousands of children today are hungry and live in fear. The United States, tragically, enacts policies that create trauma for children at our southern border. Between December, 2018 and June 2019, at least 8 children died in detention. Many reports provide evidence of unsafe and unhealthy conditions for immigrant children held in detention separated from parents or adult family members. Many people have been outraged at images of children in cold, crowded, unhealthy facilities and have taken action to challenge inhumane policies. Legislators in both parties deplored an order to deport seriously ill children who could die if deported. Advent gives us a challenge to shine the light on cruel treatment of children, and to work for the Rule of Emmanuel.

Prayer: Emmanuel, God-With-Us, shine your light of compassion on children and families treated inhumanely as they seek safety in the U.S. Shine your light of mercy in the hearts of government officials that they may be transformed. Shine your light of persistence on advocates for children. Amen.

Hymn: Isaiah the Prophet # 108

Sharing of Joys and Sorrows

Pastoral Prayer

Scripture Readings: Matthew 3:1-12; Romans 15: 4-13

Sermon: The Flame of Covenant: That’s the Way of the Lord Rev. M. Michael Morse

Responsive Sharing

Hymn: Sing a Different Song #150

(Substitute “Christmas is NEAR” for “Christmas is here.”)

Offering and Offertory I Wonder as I Wander (John Jacob Niles) Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

Sung Response: In the Bleak Mid-Winter (verse 4) #128

Closing Hymn: O Come Emmanuel #116

Taking the Light out into the World


Passing the Peace as we go…

All are invited to the Fellowship Hall, following service.


It’s Christmas Sharing Tree Time! (spread the word) Over the past few years, St. James has made a new tradition. We hang gifts on the outdoor tree and invite the community to “Give what you can and take what you need.” Please donate unwrapped toys (new), or winter wear (new/good condition). See bins and supplies in breezeway.

Sunday, Dec. 8th– 2nd Sunday of Advent 10am – Sunday Schools: Adults meet in the Sanctuary to discuss faith, focused by Chs. 11&12 of The Phoenix Affirmations. Children (ages 5-11) do a Sunday School Service Project to make gift bags for Mobile Hope, which serves homeless teens. The goal is for the children to make up 20 gift bags. 11am – Worship led by Rev. M. Michael Morse

Sunday, Dec. 15th– 3rd Sunday of Advent: 9:30am – Council Meeting; all welcome; 11am – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Sunday, Dec. 22nd – 4th Sunday of Advent: 11am – Worship led by Rev. M. Michael Morse

Sunday, Dec. 24th– Christmas Eve: 5pm – Candlelight Service led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Music    Scottish Medley – Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    We are here to face the truth, about ourselves, about this faith we love, and the ways it presently serves others and the world.

All:      As well as to open ourselves to ways it can better, and more joyfully, reflect our potential and core values.  We want to know the ways we are bound to one another, as well as to larger religious movements normally beyond our sight and vision.

One:    We say we are open and diverse.

All:      Yet it is too easy to feel stuck in old paths and stubborn habits reflecting not so much tradition as our comfort.

One:    We want to answer the call to service, to a world that needs our message, our hope, our revived energy –

All:      We are gathered to learn, to unlearn, to hear, and to move forward.  Amen.

– Stephen Kendrick,

“Lifting Our Voices, Readings in the Living Tradition.”

Opening Hymn:  For the Fruit of All Creation           # 425

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Order of Worship
Worship Leader Reverend Michael Morse
Music by Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

For Meditation and Reflection
Lady Athenry – Turlough O’Carolan

Welcome, Announcements and Introduction (Lay Leader)

Call to Worship
Excerpt from The Song of Eve – Manuela Dunn Mascetti

Opening Hymn: # 556
God Who Spread the Spangled Heavens

Scripture Readings: Genesis 1:2-27; Luke 3:28-29

Pastoral Prayer

Sermon: “#MeToo”: Sexism, Misogyny, and Patriarchy
by Rev. Michael Morse

Responsive Sharing

Reflective Hymn: #11 Bring Many Names
Verses 1, 2, 6

The Offerings

Offertory Music Fanny Power – Turlough O’Carolan

Prayers of Joys and Concerns
(Lay Leader)

Lord’s Prayer
Creator God – your name be revered.
Your empire be established,
Your will be done on earth as in heaven.
Provide us with the bread we need for the day,
Forgive us our debts to the extent that we have forgiven those in debt to us,
And don’t make us face the test,
But rescue us from the evil one.
from “The Complete Gospels.”

Closing Hymn: #32
God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale
Verses 1, 3, 6


Postlude: O’Carolan’s Dowry – Turlough O’Carolan

Sharing the Peace as we go…

And we hope you can join us for post-worship coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall.


is available during services at St. James. Thank you to Greta Harteis and Katie Sulek for your generous and caring work.

This Sunday, April 22nd: Worship led by Rev. Michael Morse; Music by Sea Raven on Celtic Harp

Next Sunday, April 29th: Worship led by Rev. Michael Lyle

Sunday, May 6th:
11:00am: Communion worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
12:30 – 3pm: Luncheon Party!
3:00pm: UCC Installation Service.
The Catoctin Association will confirm and celebrate Reverend Samantha Tuttle’s official status as Pastor of St. James.

Looking ahead…

Sunday, May 20th: Rev. Samantha Tuttle will include the Reception of New Members during this service. If you are ready to become a St. James member, please talk with Samantha or Janell.

Mon – Fri., August 6-10: Vacation Bible School
Call for Volunteers! If you’d like to offer a short lesson or activity for the children during this half-day camp, or if you simply want to help, please talk with Robin or Janell.