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We Are a Living Ministry

Our deep roots in the community have shaped our commitment to serving others and seeking justice. As we honor our history, we embrace the present and look toward the future with hope and purpose.

We welcome you to St. James United Church of Christ, where you’ll find a safe and welcoming space to explore your faith, ask questions, and be exactly who you are.

Join us as we journey together, celebrating God’s love and making a positive impact on our world.


Community Connections

Children’s Ministry

***Vacation Bible School and Sunday School are not currently available but reach out to the church to learn more about how families can get involved with us. 

We Welcome All Kinds of Families to St. James

Over the years, we have been home to a variety of folks in the area. Some people in our community were born and raised here in Lovetteville and are now bringing their own kids to church. Some people moved here years ago and made a home where they could enjoy the later part of their lives. Some people are new to the region and looking for a place to explore their faith and connect socially to others who share their values.  

It takes a while to find the right church family, so we invite you and your kids to join us and learn more about our ministries and approach to faith. 

Our children’s ministry has always focused on kindness, gratitude, taking care of one another, loving our neighbors, and being stewards of our home, planet Earth.

Through song, reading, crafts, coloring, and outdoor activities like gardening we explore the golden rule and the teachings of Jesus. We learn about equality, inclusivity, and speaking up for what is just. Reach out if you have any questions. We hope you’ll join us and together we can grow in God’s Love.