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Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Gathering Music    Scottish Medley – Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

Welcome and Announcements

Call to Worship

One:    We are here to face the truth, about ourselves, about this faith we love, and the ways it presently serves others and the world.

All:      As well as to open ourselves to ways it can better, and more joyfully, reflect our potential and core values.  We want to know the ways we are bound to one another, as well as to larger religious movements normally beyond our sight and vision.

One:    We say we are open and diverse.

All:      Yet it is too easy to feel stuck in old paths and stubborn habits reflecting not so much tradition as our comfort.

One:    We want to answer the call to service, to a world that needs our message, our hope, our revived energy –

All:      We are gathered to learn, to unlearn, to hear, and to move forward.  Amen.

– Stephen Kendrick,

“Lifting Our Voices, Readings in the Living Tradition.”

Opening Hymn:  For the Fruit of All Creation           # 425

Gathering Prayer 

Sharing of Joys and Sorrows

Pastoral Prayer

Today’s Scripture Readings:

                        Jeremiah 8:18-9:1

                        Luke 16:1-13

                        1 Timothy 2:1-7

Sermon:   The Joke’s on Us – the Parable of the Shrewd Manager

Rev. M. Michael Morse

Hymn:     Standing at the Future’s Threshold                   #538

Responsive Sharing

Offertory:  Chant for the Seasons  (Singing the Living Tradition)

Sung Response:                                                                 #785

We give you but your own, whate’er the gift may be

All that we have is yours alone, we give it gratefully                                             

Closing Hymn:   We Cannot Own the Sunlit Sky               #563


Passing the Peace

After service, please join other congregants in the Fellowship Hall for coffee and conversation.


This Sunday, Sept. 22nd – Worship led by Rev. M. Michael Morse

Next Saturday, Sept. 28th is Lovettsville Oktoberfest!

St. James’ Sanctuary is open to visitors and we sell lunch and baked goods in the Fellowship Hall.

Volunteers needed! See your email for a sign-up invitation or talk with Eirik Harteis or Bud Muller.    

Next Sunday, Sept. 29th

9 am –   Council Meeting

11am –  Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle

Sunday, Oct. 6th – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Sunday, Oct 13th:

10am Sunday School. Children meet in the Fellowship Hall with Robin Scott.  Adults meet in the Sanctuary to discuss The Phoenix Affirmations, chapters 6 & 7.

11am – Communion Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle

12:30pm – Annual Members Meeting

(Friends welcome!)

1:30pm – Celebration Luncheon in Fellowship Hall

Childcare during services in the Fellowship Hall.

Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.

Rev. M. Michael Morse, Sea Raven on Celtic Harp, You cannot serve both God and money.