Sunday, October 20, 2019
Worship with Rev. Robert Close and Nina Close
Warm Greetings to Members and Friends of St. James,
Nina and I look forward to being with you this coming Sunday October 20, 2019, 11 AM
Please read the below slowly and aloud to yourself
“Listen to your life. See it for the fathomless mystery it is. In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitement and gladness: touch, taste, smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace.”
― Frederick Buechner
The Worship Service will focus on our Experiences of Grace.
A good sermon title might be
God comes to us as one unknown and in our own experience we know who God is ….
You will have an opportunity to silently reflect not on what the preacher says, but more on what your life experiences have been teaching you. Experiences of Grace.
“The lifetime process of spiritual conversion involves God’s slow purging of our sense of separateness and illumining of our true nature on the way to union with God and with God’s loving will in the world.”
–Tilden Edwards, Living in the Presence
We may look at this prayer and note how it may speak to us of God’s Presence.
What kind of God would work on only on the outside, and never draw forth from within?
Give me a candle of the spirit, O God
as I go down into the deep of my
own being.
Show me the hidden things. Take me
down to the spring of my life, and
tell me my nature and my name.
Give me the freedom to grow so that I
may become my true self – the
fulfillment of the seed which you
planted in me at my making.
Out of the deep I cry unto thee, O God.
Nina and I are really looking forward to our time with you. It is a privilege and a joy to be with you. Hope to see you Sunday.
You are Courageous Celebrants of the Sacrament of Life,
Robert and Nina
This Sunday, Oct. 20th – Worship led by Rev. Robert Close
Next Sunday, Oct. 27th – Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Serving with a Purpose It is not too late to fill out your form! Our goal is to have everyone who wants to participate in the life of the church beyond worship get the chance to take action to serve the congregation and the community. In the Fellowship Hall, find Service forms available on the bulletin board and put completed forms in the basket on top of the piano. You can also do it online:
Adult Form:
Children’s Form:
Sunday, Nov. 3rd –
11am – Communion Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle; harp music by Diane Younkins
12pm – First Sunday Community Table pot-luck in Fellowship Hall. As you can, please bring something to share.
Sunday, Nov 10th –
10am – Sunday Schools for both children and adults. Adults meet in the Sanctuary to discuss Chs 9 & 10 of The Phoenix Affirmations. In the Fellowship Hall and backyard (weather permitting), Robin Scott will lead the children in spiritual discovery.
11am – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle
Sunday, Nov 17th – Rev. Samantha Tuttle
9am – Council Meeting in Fellowship Hall.
11am – Worship led by
Saturdays 8:30am – English Language Classes. Designed for those with a first language other than English, these classes have been going great: more participants show up every week! We are up to 7 participants plus children. Many Thanks to Audra for leading the class, to Noemi for assisting with the class, and to Lauranne and Tena for providing childcare during class.
Childcare is offered during services in the Fellowship Hall.
Lovettsville Food Bank Donations: Please bring non-perishable food items to church. Thank you, Tena Brass, for taking our donations.
Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.