Sunday, March 4, 2018
Third Sunday of Lent March 4th, 2018
For Meditation and Reflection
We come together from our separate lives, each of us bringing our concerns, our preoccupations, our hopes, and our dreams. We are not yet fully present. The traffic, the last minute cooking, the final details still cling to us. Our bodies hold the rush of the past few hours. It is now time to let go of these pressures and really arrive… When you are ready, repeat silently to yourself: ‘Hineini’ or ‘Here I am’. Hineini is used in the Torah to signify being present in body, mind, and spirit. It means settling into where we are and simply being “here”.
Welcome and Announcements
A warm welcome is extended to all. Especially those who are worshipping at St. James for the first time or who have returned after an absence. Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Call to Worship
Pastor: We gather in community to rest from our labors, to greet our neighbors,
People: and to open our being to insight and intuition of that greater reality of which we are a part.
Pastor: May we find in our time together, inspiration and renewal. May we touch the holy in each other and be touched by the graciousness of life.
People: And may we find here a calm peacefulness that will carry us through the days ahead.
Opening Hymn #592 – God of the Ages, Who with Sure Command
Opening Prayer
In each moment of this day resides incredible power: new life, new healing, new opportunity. May this time together empower us to take some new steps so all our living is transforming and the yearning of our hearts become reality. May your presence comfort us, and also confront us, with the responsibility of making your spirit of love flesh in our actions. May it be so. Amen.
Scripture Reading: Acts 17:22-28
Reflective Hymn: #560 – By Whatever Name We Call You
Sermon Series:
Unbelievable — Reimagining God – by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Responsive Sharing
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Holy Communion
Communion Melody
Closing Hymn: #556 – God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens
Blessing and Sending:
If, here, you have found freedom, take it with you into the world.
If you have found comfort, go and share it with others.
If you have dreamed dreams, help one another,
that they may come true.
If you have known love and unity, give some back
to a bruised and hurting world.
Sharing the Peace as we go……. And we hope you can join us for post-worship coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall.
Thank you to Jesse Scobi for providing our music this morning. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!
Childcare is now available during services at St. James. Thank you to Greta Harteis and Katie Sulek for your generous and caring work.
This Sunday March 4th:
After service, come help celebrate fellowship with potluck brunch in the fellowship hall. This is a regular event held the first Sunday of each month.
Next Sunday, March 11th:
Church Council meeting before worship at 9:30am
Jammin’ at James open mic is happening March 18th with Dinner at 5:30, Music 6:30 – 8:30. Max Honn and Michael O’Brian, lead the monthly jam session. All musicians and music fans are invited to come dig the great acoustics in the St. James sanctuary!
March 11th: Worship will be led by Reverend Samantha Tuttle
March 18th: Worship will be led by Reverend Mary Mason
March 25th: Worship will be led by Reverend Samantha Tuttle