Sunday, March 18, 2018
Fifth Sunday in Lent
“The marvels of God are not brought forth from oneself.
Rather, it is more like a chord, a sound, that is played….
I am, of course, the lyre and harp of God’s kindness.”
– Saint Hildegard of Bingen
Prelude and Lighting of Candles
Welcome – Reverend Doctor Mary Mason
Call to Worship – Responsive Psalm 51, Black Hymnal
Children’s Time – Led by Robin Scott
Hymn #575 O for a World
Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Hymn #282 Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Scripture Reading: John 12:20-24
Sermon: “We would see Jesus”
– by Rev. Mary Mason
Hymn #451 Be Now My Vision
Offertory Prayer in Unison
Give thanks for the past, for those who had vision,
Who planted and watered so dreams could come true,
Give thanks for the now, for study, for worship,
For mission that bids us turn prayer into deed. Amen.
Offertory Music
Joys and Concerns
Prayer Responsive #878 A Litany of Intercession
The Lord’s Prayer (traditional, with debts)
Hymn #433 In the Bulb there is a Flower
Taking the Light to the World
Benediction Blessing
You are the light of the world, let your light so shine
That others may see the good things you do and glorify God.
God is with us now and always.
Go in peace to love and serve the world. Amen.
Passing the Peace
…and we hope you can join us for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall.
Thought to Ponder:
“The God of the Christian religion is not the idolizing of Christ, not Christology, but that we are all one in Christ; …that we have a part in the life of Christ. This savior is a wounded healer, so that we may become as he is… Heal the sick, even those who without knowing it have contracted the great neurosis of our society, who know no mercy within themselves… To bless the children means to leave the trees standing.” – Dorothee Soelle
Many thanks to Janell Kinzie for providing our music.
This Sunday, March 18th:
10 AM Sunday School (Adult and Children). Children meet in the Fellowship Hall with Robin Scott. Adults meet in the Sanctuary to hear and discuss Wisdom, Part 4 – Life and Death and Vegetables, by Rob Bell. See our website for the link to listen or download.
11 AM Childcare is available during service, thanks to Greta Harteis and Katie Sulek.
5:30 PM Dinner, 6:30 PM Music. All musicians and music fans are invited to Jammin’ at James open mike. Max Honn and Michael O’Brian, lead this fun monthly jam session.
Next Sunday, March 25th: Palm Sunday. Rev. Samantha Tuttle continues the Unbelievable worship series with “Reimagining the Christ Story.”
Friday, March 30th: Good Friday. Time TBD. Congregants from Grace Episcopal and St. James, meet at the Squircle for service, then walk the Stations of the Cross around town.
Sunday, April 1st: Easter Sunday. 6:45 AM Sunrise Service will be lay-led at the cemetery.
7:30 AM Fellowship Breakfast pot luck.
10 AM Communion Service Rev. Samantha Tuttle continues the Unbelievable worship series with “Reimagining Resurrection.”
Sunday, April 8th: 9 AM Council Meeting.
11AM Worship led by our favorite seminarian, Mark Dewey.