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Sunday, June 2nd.

St. James United Church of Christ

Seventh Sunday of Easter, June 2nd, 2019

For Meditation and Reflection 

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.” –  Steve Jobs

“I think technology really increased human ability. But technology cannot produce compassion.” – Dalai Lama

“Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power that enables us to empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.” – J. K. Rowling

Welcome and Announcements

Welcome to this place of worship, which we make special by our presence. Come into this place, where the ordinary is sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassionate is expected. Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of this time, this life in the presentness of God.

Call to Worship    

Pastor: We give thanks for the life that pulsates within us:

People: breath and heartbeat, joy and sorrow, dance and stillness.

Pastor: We give thanks for the life that ebbs and flows between us:

People: loving, understanding, creating, embracing and letting go.

Pastor: We give thanks for the web of life that surrounds and sus tains us:

People: feeding, protecting, teaching, inspiring mutual care.

Pastor: We give thanks for the source of all life,

All: this living universe, of which our lives are an expression.  

Opening Hymn   #177  –  God of Change and Glory

Opening Prayer

We come from different places to this sacred place of communal caring and celebration. In the silence and acceptance of this sacred place we look inward at ourselves: the advantages we have been given, the opportunities we have seized. May we have a sense of gratitude for the gifts that are ours: knowledge, skills, insights. Yet may we also be nudged to see new perspectives, to give back, to reach out, sharing our talents, our riches, and ourselves with those who are discouraged, disheartened, or simply unaware. Sharing life’s journey with others is always a privilege. We are enriched by the company of each other, and are drawn closer to the heart of love in this time of celebration. May this gathering be touched with tenderness, refreshing us anew by the grace that encompasses this day. Together may we support each other, empower each other, welcome each other. Amen.

Scripture Reading:            Genesis 11: 1-9    

Sermon:               Searching for the Missed Point – Part 3 – Rev. Samantha Tuttle

Reflective Hymn: #340  –  We Are People On a Journey

The Offerings and Offertory Music

Sharing of Joys and Concerns 

The Lord’s Prayer  (Traditional, with “debts”)

Holy Communion  

Communion Melody

Closing Hymn:  #495  –  Called As Partners In Christ’s Service

Blessing and Sending:

Let us take on this week’s life with renewed hope and imagination. May the rhythms of our coming together: the melodies of our celebration, and the harmonies of our farewells, uplift our souls this day, and into the inviting future. Go in peace, and may the peace of God go with you.

Sharing the Peace as we go


This Sunday, June 2nd:  

11:00am Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle

12:15pm – First Sunday PotluckBrunch  

Next Sunday, June 9thth Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle.  

Sunday, June 16th:

9:30am – Council Meeting

11am – Worship led by Rev. Mary Mason

Saturday June 22nd – Frederick Pride Festival  

Have fun! Be a witness for love at St James’ booth! To volunteer, Call/text Lauranne:  703-346-3071

Remote Area Medical

We are collecting NEW socks and underwear, all sizes, for  the Remote Area Medical event, in SW VA June 28-30. Dave Kirk and Bill Zenner will donate all we can collect! See gray tub in the breezeway.

Mobile Hope

This is the time of year when kids who have just turned 18, can find themselves homeless. Mobile Hope is collecting gently used duffle bags, plus toothbrushes, toothpaste, and toiletries. Donations can be left in the big basket on back pew in the sanctuary. 

Vacation Bible School!  July 22 – July26:

Mark your calendar if you want to volunteer or have your children participate! Registration forms are available in the Fellowship Hall.

Childcare is available during services in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you to Greta and Katie for your gracious care!

Lovettsville Food Bank Donations: Please bring non-perishable food items to church. Thank you, Tena Brass for taking our donations.

Statement of Faith:  We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.