Sunday, June 24, 2018
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, June 24, 2018
Worship Led by Rev. Dr. Mary Mason
Pianist, Janell Kinzie
“Help us to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown.
Give us the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with You.
Christ of the mysteries, we trust you to be stronger than each storm within us.
We will trust in the darkness and know that our times, even now, are in your hands.
Tune our spirits to the music of heaven, and somehow make our listening obedience count for You.” – Christine Valtners Paintner
Welcome and Announcements – Rev. Dr. Mary Mason
Call to Worship
Leader: Morning has broken.
Let us give thanks for the gift of life
and for the presence of the Holy One among us.
Let us worship God together.
Praise God with drums and dance.
Praise God with strings and songs.
Praise God with lively prayers.
All things praise the Lord! – Psalm 150:4-6
Opening Hymn: #27 From All That Dwell Below the Skies
Scripture Mark 4:35-41
Hymn (See Insert) Master The Tempest is Raging
Reflection The Other Side – Rev Dr Mary Mason
Unison Prayer
Keeper of our lives, You know the hardness and gentleness of our human hearts. You call your people to faithful living. Through the storms of life that bring suffering and fear, joy and laughter, teach us to turn to you for all we need, so that we may come to know Your presence even in the midst of the trials that surround us. Amen.
Reflective Hymn: #599 Steal Away
Offertory Words: Having received abundant blessings through the generosity of God, and the hope that Christ brings, let us give thankfully and abundantly that we may be called God’s generous people.
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Hymn: The Doxology
Praise God from whom All blessings flow.
Praise God all creatures here below.
Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts,
Creator, Word, and Holy Ghost.
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Leader: Creator God, You call us to love and serve you by loving our sisters and brothers both near and far away. Open our hearts in compassion. Receive these petitions, we pray, on behalf of the church and our world.
Unison: The Lord’s Prayer (debts)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen
Closing Hymn: # 497 Guide My Feet
Leader: God’s peace go with you into the worlds in which you live; be nurtured by this time of gathering, be faithful in the time apart. Love and serve each other. The blessing of God, Creator and Redeemer be with us always. Amen
… And we hope you will be able to join us for coffee and conversation next door in the Fellowship Hall.
Thought to carry with us.
“The path is not long, but the way is deep.
You need not only to walk there, you must be prepared to leap.”
– Hildegard of Bingen
This Sunday, June 24: Worship Service led by Dr. Rev. Mary Mason
Next Sunday, July 1: Worship Service led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
10 AM Service in Sanctuary
11AM coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall;
11:30 Annual Congregational Meeting in Sanctuary
Sunday, July 8: Church Council meets after service.
*** NOTE! Summer Worship Time in July and August is 10AM ***
Vacation Bible School! Mon – Fri, August 6-10 for ages 3 to 10.
Tell everyone with children! Join the fun! If you’d like to offer a short activity for the children during this half-day camp, or if you simply want to help, please talk with Robin or Janell.
Childcare is available during services at St. James. Thank you to Greta Harteis and Katie Sulek for your generous and caring work.
Food Bank Donations: Please bring non-perishable food items to church; Thank you to Tena Brass for taking our donations to the Lovettsville Food Bank at the New Jerusalem Lutheran Church.
Compassion, Rev. Dr. Mary Mason, Serving God by loving others