Sunday, January 6th, 2019
Epiphany Sunday
For Meditation and Reflection
“Compassion does not just happen. Pity does, but compassion is not pity. It’s not a feeling. Compassion is a viewpoint, a way of life, a perspective, a habit that becomes a discipline – and more than anything else, compassion is a choice we make that love is more important than comfort or convenience.” – Glennon Doyle Melton
“The text has disappeared under the interpretation.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“A great thought begins by seeing something differently, with the shift of the minds eye.” – Albert Einstein
Welcome and Announcements
A warm welcome is extended to all. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here in this safe and sacred place.
Call to Worship
Pastor: Let us be the embodiment of the larger life in all the little things we do.
People: As we listen and ponder, deepen and explore our faith…As we laugh and play, greet and touch one another,
Pastor: As we live this day in the integrity of our own selves, and as we live this day in the community of precious people,
People: Breathe through us as the Summer wind caresses our bodies, as we live in the fullness of today.
All: Welcome to worship.
Opening Hymn #4 – Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You
Opening Prayer
We marvel at life. We celebrate ourselves as a life-form giving the source of all that is, a unique expression in our awareness, in our intelligence, and in our ability to communicate. Enfolded in this Presence may we realize that the world of the Spirit and the world of the body do not exist alongside one another but within one another. Human like us Jesus discerned where this Presence is found: in the everyday, in human interaction, in feeding, in caring, in clothing, in visiting, in sharing, in forgiving, in being neighbor. We remember his total commitment to living fully and loving totally. May we allow his life and teaching to motivate all that we do so that what we profess to have seen in his life and heard in his teaching might be evident in our living and loving. May God-in-us find generous and courageous expression in our words and actions as we undertake to make the presence of love evident in our community. May it be so. Amen.
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-31, Mark 1:1-5, 14-15
Sermon Series:
Words – Misinterpreted, Misunderstood, and yet…Reimagined
“Repent” – Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Reflective Hymn: #388 – Help Us Accept Each Other
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Holy Communion
Communion Melody
Closing Hymn: #181 – You Are Salt for the Earth, O People
Blessing and Sending:
May we open ourselves ever more fully to that Eternal Mystery which lures us onward toward life and creativity. May we find the courage to live our faith, to speak our truth, and to strive together for a world where freedom abounds and justice truly does roll down like water. May we know the fullness of love without fear, and the serenity of peace without turmoil. May we hold one another in the deep and tender places with compassion, and may we grace one another by sharing our own vulnerabilities, being ever mindful of the divinity within that makes soulmates of us all.
Sharing the Peace as we go…
This Sunday, Jan 6th: Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Next Sunday, Jan 13th: Worship with Rev. Michael Lyle
Beginning this Month, Sea Raven Morse will be leading our musical worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. She has much background and experience in religious music, and those who heard her sing and play the celtic harp last Sunday know much joy is in store.
Sunday, Jan 20th: Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Sunday, Jan 27th: Worship with Rev. M. Michael Morse, music led by Sea Raven Morse
Sunday, Feb 24th: 12:30 – 2:30pm Immediately after service, St. James will host a lay-led Lunch and Learn for guests of all faiths as part of our membership in Loudoun Interfaith Bridges. Please talk to/text Lauranne 703-346-3071 or Tena Brass 571-271-8611 to join the team. You can contribute by cooking, serving, or giving a short talk on what St. James is about, your faith journey, why you attend St. James, or anything else you are moved to share with those of different faith traditions or congregations.
Fellowship Hall Update: We can now go into the Fellowship Hall and use the central space and bathrooms. The kitchen isn’t usable yet and there’s no hot water, but progress continues and we are on track to be done by Valentines’ Day.
Childcare during services while the Fellowship Hall is under repair: Parents are welcome to bring children to church. Children can share worship with adults as their attention permits and then go to the “cry room” for Childcare in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you to Katie and Greta for your gracious care of the children.
Lovettsville Food Bank Donations: Please bring non-perishable food items to church. Thank you, Tena Brass, for taking our donations.
Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.