Sunday, January 19, 2020
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
For Meditation and Reflection:
“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” (Marianne Williamson)
Welcome and Announcements
Opening Prayer
Call to Worship (John 1:14) (Lay Reader)
Leader: And the Word became flesh
People: and lived among us.
Leader: And we have seen his glory,
People: the glory of God’s only son, full of grace and truth.
Opening Hymn: Forward Through the Ages #377
Prayer for Illumination (Lay Reader)
Today’s Scripture Reading: John 1:29-42 (Lay Reader)
Sermon “What Are You Looking For?” Mike Lyle
The Offerings and Offertory Music
A Litany of Thanksgiving
Pastor: All things come from you, O God, and with gratitude we return to you what is yours. All that we are, and all that we have, is your gift to us.
People: And so, in gratitude for all your gifts, we offer ourselves, and all that we have. By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.
All: Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Reflective Hymn: Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness#286
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Prayers of the Pastor and People
Lord’s Prayer [Traditional, with “debts”]
Closing Hymn: In the Bulb There Is a Flower #433
Benediction (Pastor)Go forward in the comfort and strength of God’s blessing. Remember that you are loved, that God is ever near, and that divine mercy is your way in the world. Amen.
Thought for the Day/Week “As my sufferings mounted, I soon realized that there were two ways that I could respond to my situation: either to react with bitterness or seek to transform the suffering into a creative force. I decided to follow the latter course.’” Martin Luther King Jr.
This Sunday, Jan. 19th 9 am – Council Meeting, all welcome; 11 am – Worship led by Rev. Mike Lyle
Next Sunday, Jan. 26th 11 am – Worship led byRev. Mike Morse
Sunday, Feb 2nd 10 am – Adult Sunday School with Sea Raven and Mike Morse; 11 am – Communion Worship with Rev. Mike Lyle; 12:15 pm – Join in for First Sunday Congregational Pot Luck.
Sunday, Feb. 9th 10 am– Sunday School for Adults and Children; 11 am – Worship led byRev. Mike Lyle
Lovettsville Food Bank: Please bring non-perishable food items to church. See sign and box in Fellowship Hall.
During the Week at St. James:
Mindfulness Meditation. Wednesday mornings 10 am, Fellowship Hall. Free. All welcome; beginners encouraged!
Stretch It Out! Friday evenings 6:30 – 7:30pm. Fellowship Hall: Come feel good with relaxed stretching and strengthening for all ages. First class free.
English Language Classes for adults. Please pass the word. Saturday mornings 8:30 -10:30am. Free. Led by a certified ELL teacher. Childcare provided. Fellowship Hall. Volunteers Needed: Come work with adult students or help with childcare. No experience required. Talk with Lauranne
Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.