Sunday, February 10, 2019
Evolution Sunday
For Meditation and Reflection
“The most telling and profound way of describing the evolution of the universe would undoubtedly be to trace the evolution of love.”
― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“When a human life is open to all that humanity can be, humanity and divinity flow together as one. It was and is a radical insight, and one the consciousness of the mystic is destined to understand.”
― John Shelby Spong
Welcome and Announcements
Welcome to this place of worship, which we make special by our presence. Come into this place, where the ordinary is sanctified, the human is celebrated, the compassionate is expected. Let us celebrate the richness and diversity of this time, this life in the presentness of God.
Call to Worship
Pastor: We gather at this time and in this place to celebrate the mystery of life.
Congregation: We commit to moving beyond our previous selves and to continue emerging into persons and into a community dedicated to enhancing this world.
Pastor: We affirm the worth of all, and commit ourselves to honoring the sacred in all.
Congregation: We seek to open ourselves to be more in tune, more involved with each other and the world.
Pastor: We commit ourselves to learning, changing, thinking again…deconstructing our faith and daring again to imagine how faith and risk lead us to each other,
Congregation: engaging us all in the depths and dimensions of what it means to be human, to be neighbor, to love, to include, to laugh, to be free.
All: Welcome to worship.
Opening Hymn #495 – Called as Partners in Christ’s Service
Opening Prayer
During this time of prayer and quiet reflection, may we be enabled to find that power that already lies within us: for love, for creativity, for hope. May our hearts be open to compassion, our minds open to wisdom, our spirits open to grace. This morning, we gather, sing, pray and think – offering ourselves to and with the reverberating hum, mystery and presence of life. We commit again to facing each other with new desire and intention, with embrace, laughter, tears and honesty. May we always rejoice in life and work to cultivate a sense of its giftedness. May ours be a faith that shines to the world as the light of deeds and the witness of actions. Amen.
Reception of New Members (See handout)
Sermon Series:
Words –
Misinterpreted, Misunderstood, and yet…Reimagined
“Cross” – Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Reflective Hymn: #539 – Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant (Verses 1-4, & 6)
Responsive Sharing
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Closing Hymn: #609 – Now is the Time Approaching
Blessing and Sending:
And now may the blessings of life be upon us, and upon this congregation. May the memories we gather here give us hope for the future. May the love that we share bring strength and joy to our hearts, and the peace of this community be with us until we meet again.
Sharing the Peace as we go…
This Sunday, Feb 10th: 9am: Council Meeting in Fellowship Hall on organizational structure 11:00am: Worship with Rev. Samantha Tuttle welcoming new members, Charlene DeRoche and Jean and August (Bud) Muller!
Next Sunday, Feb 17th: 10am: Sunday School for adults in the Sanctuary led by Janell Kenzie and Brenda Lyle; Sunday School for Children resumes this month in the Fellowship Hall with Lauranne Oliveau. 11am: Worship with Seminarian Mark Dewey
Thursday Feb 21st 7-9PM Cascades Library: VOICES OF FAITH, ISLAM with speaker, Hurunessa Fariad, of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society. Presented in partnership with BRIDGES (Building Relationships for Interfaith Dialogue, Goodwill, Education and Service).
Sunday, Feb 24th: Worship with Seminarian Mark Dewey
Sunday, Mar 3rd: Communion SundayWorship with Samantha Tuttle.
Childcare: During services while the Fellowship Hall is under repair: Parents are welcome to bring children to church. Children can share worship with adults as their attention permits and then go to the “cry room” for Childcare in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you to Katie and Greta for your gracious care of the children.
Lovettsville Food Bank Donations: Thanks to all who are generously bringing non-perishable food items to church. Thank you, Tena Brass, for taking our donations.
Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we find spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and discover new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.