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Sunday, December 29, 2019

First Sunday after Christmas


Throughout this lay-led service, music is provided by the Internet.

For Reflection:
“But I would feel all the cells in my body as I sang hymns that connected my little life with the grandeur of the cosmos, the Christian drama across space and time. This was my earliest experience of breath and body, mind and spirit soaring together, alive to both mystery and reality, in kinship with others both familiar and unknown. That’s one way I’d define the feeling of faith now.”

Krista Tippett, Becoming Wise: An Inquiry into the Mystery and Art of Living, 21st century

Welcome and Announcements

During this Congregational Service, all are invited and welcomed – by your presence, your words, your prayers, and your silence – to call the Spirit to move within and among us. 

During our worship time together today, you, the members of the Congregation will be asked to share readings you have brought or to read from today’s scripture. 

Responsive sharing by the congregation may follow each reading, as the Spirit moves us. 

Hymns and Songs will be organically woven into the evolving fabric of our worship today.

Lectionary Citations:

Isaiah 63:7-9

Psalm 148

Hebrews 2:10-18

Gospel Reading for Today:  Matthew 2:13-23; Luke 2:1-20

Responsive Sharing

Closing Prayer and Blessing (Unison)

        Most holy and loving God, be our light in the darkness, our strength for the journey, our one true home – today and always. 




Beginning in January, Adult Classes will meet in the sanctuary at 10:00 on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, with a new teacher and topic each month. In January – Mike Morse will teach from a curriculum called “Living the Questions” focusing on “Saving Jesus.” In February, Sharon Lloyd-O’Connor will teach. In March, Brenda Lyle will teach.

Next Sunday, Jan. 5th : 11am – Communion Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle; 12:15pm – First Sunday Congregational Brunch – Please join in for pot luck in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, Jan. 12th : 10 am – Sunday School; 11 am – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Sunday, Jan. 19th – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Sunday, Jan. 26th : 10 am – Sunday School; 11 am – Worship led by Rev. M. Michael Morse

Mindfulness Meditation. Wednesday mornings10:30am, Fellowship Hall. Free. All welcome; beginners encouraged!

Starting January 10th, Stretch It Out! Friday evenings 6:30 – 7:30pm, Fellowship Hall: Come feel good with stretching and strengthening for all ages. Bring a yoga mat. $10. First class free.

Resuming Jan. 11th: Saturday mornings 8:30 -10:30am, Free. English Language Classes for adults. Led by a certified ELL teacher.  Childcare provided. Fellowship Hall. Please pass the word. Volunteers needed.

Sharing Tree through Jan. 5th It’s not too late to give or take something warm or fun in front of St. James! Anything left unclaimed will be donated to Mobile Hope. 

Lovettsville Food Bank:  Please bring non-perishable food items to church. See sign and box in Fellowship Hall.

Statement of Faith:  We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.

Ice Lanterns

 December 29, 2019

Congregational Worship led by Tena Brass

10 East Broad Way

Lovettsville, Virginia

Congregational Community Creating Worship, Lay-Led Worship