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Sunday, December 22, 2019

4th Sunday in Advent

PRELUDE Winter Solstice Waltz (Stephen Darnell); Lo How A Rose; What Child is This; Ihr Kinderlein, Kommet (Traditional) — Sea Raven, Celtic Harp



Isaiah 7:14: The Lord will give you a sign: The woman shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel, which means God is with us.

Reflection: The young woman will bear a son and they shall name him God-With-Us. That is the promise of the prophets and the hope of Israel. That promise is fulfilled; that hope realized in the miracle of light, the miracle of God-With-Us. The Holy One has chosen to become one like us and to walk among us still. That is the mystery of the incarnation that we celebrate. Our God walks among us still in the guise of the immigrant, the refugee, the asylum seeker. Will we welcome the light, our God made flesh, as Mary and Joseph welcomed Jesus into their hearts and into their home? Since 2017, our government has continually made it more difficult for us to welcome those seeking refuge. The Trump administration has tightened the rules regarding asylum and has applied ever harsher standards in reviewing asylum applications. Migrants are fleeing their homes to seek refuge in the U.S. because they have heard that in America people are free and the U.S. government just. We pray it may be so someday soon.

Prayer: Good and gracious God, thank you for the many ways you reveal yourself to us—in the kindness of a grandmother, the generosity of a neighbor, the comfort of a friend. Give us eyes to see the goodness of your light in the faces of our immigrant neighbors. Give us ears to hear the good news of your word made flesh in those seeking safety at our borders. Give us courage to stand with asylum seekers now threatened by our own government, and with all in need, as we welcome your incarnate love made flesh. Amen.Sister Ann Scholz, School Sisters of Notre Dame


Pastoral Prayer


I. Facing Fear and Despair

Reading: Isaiah 11

Carol: Lo How A Rose E’er Blooming #127

Reading: Luke 2:8-20

Carol: The First Noel #139 (vs. 1,2)

II. Hope, Innocence, Destiny

Reading: Matthew 2:1-11

Carol: What Child is This? #148

III. Protest

Reading: Matthew 2:13-23

Carols: Who Would Think that What Was Needed #153

‘Twas In the Moon of Wintertime #151

IV. The Coming of the Light

Reading: John 1:1-5

Carol: Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light #140

OFFERTORY: All Hayle to the Dayes (Traditional) – Sea Raven, Celtic Harp

SUNG RESPONSE: In the Bleak Mid-Winter (verse 4) #128

V. Great Joy

Reading: Luke 2:15

Carols: Angels We Have Heard on High #125

Joy To the World #132

BENEDICTION — Luke 2:25-32

Thoughts for the Day and Week: – Gospel of John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 9. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. 10. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; but the world did not know him. 12. Yet, to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, 13. who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. 14. And so the Word became flesh,[…] full of grace and truth. 16. From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.


This Sunday, Dec. 22nd 4th Sunday of Advent, 11am – Worship led by Rev. M. Michael Morse

Tuesday, Dec. 24thChristmas Eve Candlelight Service, 5:30pm – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

Next Sunday, Dec. 29th, 11am – Lay-led worship

Sunday, Jan. 5th, 11am – Worship led by Rev. Dr. Michael Lyle

It’s Christmas Sharing Tree Time! (spread the word) This has become a favorite St. James tradition. We hang gifts on the outdoor tree and invite the whole community to “Give what you can and take what you need.” Throughout December, please donate unwrapped gifts of toys, books, games (new), or winter wear (new/good condition). See bins and supplies in breezeway.

Statement of Faith: We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.

4th Sunday of Advent, Rev. M. Michael Morse