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Sunday, August 4th, 2019

St. James United Church of Christ

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 4th, 2019

For Meditation and Reflection 

“We speak about being healthy and our well-being, but we act more like human doings than we do like human beings. Therefore, instead of to-do lists we need to-be lists. Instead of thinking about what you want to do, think about who you want to be. Do you want to be more self-aware? Do you want to be more conscious? Do you want to be a better person? Do you want to be a difference in the world? We need to move away from what we want to do in situations to who we want to be in situations.” – Jay Shetty

Welcome and Announcements

A warm welcome is extended to all. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here in this safe and sacred place.

Call to Worship    

Pastor: There is rarely enough rest in our lives. Perhaps we are too busy for rest. Perhaps we are afraid of what we might discover.

People: Today we will acknowledge that as citizens of creation, we too, need to rest.

Pastor: When we make room in our lives for rest, we are more available to affirm the worth of all, and commit ourselves to honoring the sacred in all.

People: When we rest, we create the space that allows us to effectively be more in tune, and authentically involved with each other and the world.

All: May our time together center us, provide us with perspective, and give us a sense of stillness and rest.

Hymn:      #8 – Praise to the Living God

Opening Prayer

This moment of quiet is an invitation to be calm in the midst of the noise of the world and our over-busy lives, to bring together thought and feeling, mind and spirit, and to find some center, some still point of perspective and peace. We draw near to each other, recognizing our need for divine rest. That rested, we may see afresh. That we may hear anew. That we may act again with vigor. When we are at our best, we are better equipped to participate in the creation of peace between strangers, love between friends, hope among the hopeless, and joy among the sorrowful. May we be brokers of a spirit that offers us rest, so that we may live fully and embrace the life we’ve been given. What our prayers begin, may our lives continue. This is our prayer. Amen.

Scripture Reading:   Ecclesiastes 3:1-13, Matthew 11:28-29

Hymn:            Come and Find the Quiet Center     (see insert)

Sermon:    Perhaps that whole “finding balance” thing is a myth – Rev. Samantha Tuttle 

Hymn:   #562  –  Take My Gifts

The Offerings and Offertory Music

Sharing of Joys and Concerns 

The Lord’s Prayer  (Traditional, with “debts”)

Holy Communion 

Communion Melody

Hymn:    #516 – O Grant Us, God, a Little Space

Blessing and Sending:

If, here, you have found rest, take it with you into the world. If you have found comfort, go and share it with others. If you have dreamed dreams, help one another, that they may come true. If you have known love and unity, give some back  to a bruised and hurting world.

Sharing the Peace as we go


During the months of July and August, worship is at 10:00am. 

This Sunday, August 4th

10:00am – Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle 

11:00am – Potluck Brunch 

Next Sunday, August 11th: 

10:00amWorship led by Rev. Michael Lyle

11:00 – Potluck Brunch 

Sunday, August 18th: Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle

Sunday, August 25th: Please join us at 10:00 a.m. for breakfast and informal worship in Fellowship Hall.  Food will be prepared by Dave Kirk, Bill Lowry and Bill Zenner for this last Sunday of our summer hours.

Adult English Classes:  Saturdays at 12 noon during August in the St. James Fellowship Hall.  No registration required. If popular, classes will be offered indefinitely.

Parsonage Project:  We will be having a few clean-up days over at the Parsonage during August. Our next gathering will be today at 5:00pm. Wear old clothes! 

Our Evolving Organizational Structure – The Church Council has been in conversation with Pastor Samantha on how to structure ourselves in a way that aligns best with our current stage of ministry together. Over the next several months, Samantha will host a short 20 minute review and Q/A in the sanctuary, describing a potential Church Structure that will be voted on during our next Annual Meeting on October 13th.  Dates to attend are: 8/18, & 9/15.

Greeting Cards: Donations of extra greeting cards would be appreciated and will be used for congregational care and communication.  See basket on back pew in sanctuary.

Lovettsville Food Bank Donations: Please bring non-perishable food items to church. Thank you, Tena Brass for taking our donations.

Childcare is available during services in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you to Greta and Katie for your gracious care!

Statement of Faith:  We gather as an Open and Affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient and modern texts, and seek new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.