Sunday, August 19, 2018
Musicians: Keith and Jennifer Taylor on mandolin and guitar
For Meditation and Reflection:
In today’s Gospel, Jesus reminds us of the unique relationship between the Kingdom of God and the natural world. He emphasizes the mysterious forces at play in the world around us.
For Jesus, as in Celtic Christianity, story and nature, rhythms and words, meaning and mystery are inextricably intertwined. In scripture, worship, contemplation and prayer God refreshes and sustains like water from a holy well. The weary traveler is wise to drink deeply and often.
Welcome and Announcements
Opening Prayer (Pastor)
Responsive Call to Worship (Traditional Monastic Liturgy)
Pastor: We wait for the word of the Lord as we wait for the rains.
People: and our God shall come down upon us like gentle dew.
Pastor: The hills and the mountains will be singing praise to God.
People: Every tree in the forest will be clapping its hands.
The Lord will come and rule for ever. Alleluia.
Opening Hymn Arise Shine (see insert)
Prayer for Illumination (Pastor)
Today’s Scripture Reading Matthew 13:24-20, 36-43
Sermon A Matter of Emphasis (Mike Lyle)
The Offerings and Offertory Music
A Litany of Thanksgiving
Pastor: All things come from you, O God, and with gratitude we return to you what is yours. All that we are, and all that we have, is your gift to us.
People: And so, in gratitude for all your gifts, we offer ourselves, and all that we have. By your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world.
All: Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hymn Sanctuary (see insert)
Joys and Concerns
Prayers of the Pastor and the People
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Closing Hymn Thy Word (see insert)
Prayer of Benediction: (Pastor)
Go forward in the comfort and strength of God’s blessing. Remember that you are loved, that God is ever near, and that divine mercy is your way in the world. Amen.
Sharing the Peace as we go… And we hope you can join us for post-worship coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall. And today—enjoy Jammin’ at James Open Mic and pot luck party!
Reverend Lyle is happy to stay following the service to talk about questions, concerns or thoughts you may have about today’s worship.
Summer worship time in July and August is 10AM.
This Sunday, August 19th:
10am – Worship led by Rev. Michael Lyle
11:30am – Jammin’ at James Open Mic and potluck party.
Next Sunday, August 26th: Worship by working.
Please come at 10am to join the crew! We’ll be cleaning our the dusty corners and putting things in order. Then maybe eat out?!
Sunday, September 2nd: 11am – Worship led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Sunday, September 9th: 11am – Worship led by Rev. Michael Lyle
Thoughts for the Week
No need to wonder what heron-haunted lake
lay in the other valley,
or regret the songs in the forest
I chose not to traverse.
No need to ask where other roads might have led,
since they led elsewhere;
for nowhere but this here and now
is my destination.
The river is gentle in the soft evening,
and all the steps of my life have brought me home.
— Ruth Bidgood (b.1922)
Our Statement of Faith
We gather as an open and affirming community to worship God, however known. We welcome everyone, no exceptions. Together we seek spiritual comfort and challenge, learn from ancient texts, and discover new dimensions of truth. We practice following the way of Jesus. We dare to demonstrate God’s love by working for justice and peace among all people.
Jennifer and Keith Taylor, Nature & Kingdom of God, Rev Michael Lyle