February 19th, 2017
Thoughts for Today
“For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of
power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Second letter of Paul to Timothy 1:7
“Is it possible, I asked myself, that I’m being
summoned from some deep and holy place
within? Am I being asked to enter a new passage
in the spiritual life — the journey from false self to
true self? Am I being asked to dismantle old
masks and patterns and unfold a deeper more
authentic self — the one God created me to be?
Am I being compelled to disturb my inner universe
in quest of the undiscovered being who clamors
from within?”
From When the Heart Waits,
by Sue Monk Kidd.
“To be fully human, fully myself. To accept all that
I am, all that you envision. This is my prayer. Walk
with me out to the rim of life. Beyond security.
Take me to the exquisite edge of courage. And
release me to become.”
Prayer from When the Heart Waits,
by Sue Monk Kidd.
Lay Leader: Lauranne Oliveau
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn: #522 – I Love to Tell the Story
Introduction of the Reverend Ted Haas, Pastor Emeritus of
Grace United Church of Christ in Frederick, Maryland
Today’s Scripture Readings: Hebrews 11: 8 – 10, Mark 1: 14 – 22
Pastoral Prayer
Pastoral Reflections: “Ventures of Faith” – Pastor Ted’s True Stories
Responsive Sharing
Reflective Hymn: #417 – This is a Day of New Beginnings
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Responsive Hymn #780 – Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Prayers of Joys and Concerns
Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn: #495 – Called as Partners in Christ’s Service
Blessing and Benediction: Rev. Haas
Sharing the Peace as we go… And we hope you can join us for
post-worship coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall.
This Sunday, February 19, 2017
The Lovettsville Historical Society will have their monthly
meeting in the Sanctuary at 2:00 p.m. for a presentation about
the Land Grants from the English King to Lord Fairfax, which
included much of northern Virginia.
Jammin’ at James will meet this evening, with Max and Mike
playing their music in the St. James sanctuary from 6:30 until
8:30 p.m. Come and enjoy the tunes.
Next Sunday, February 26th
Our Worship leader will be the Rev. Roland England, currently
the Pastor of The Christian Community Church at St. Paul,
and the former Pastor of St. James.
Wednesday, March 1
Ash Wednesday Service led by Elder Erik Harteis will be in
the sanctuary at 7:30 p.m.
Our Statement of Faith
We gather in worship as an inclusive community, an open
& affirming community of faith that transcends any
distinctions based on gender, sexual orientation, nationality,
race, or religion…
Our formal worship flows into a living worship of love and
support for one another as we pursue ways to reflect God’s
reign of mercy, justice, and peace in our community and
throughout the world…
..along with a continuing search for ways to celebrate the
goodness of life together…and always reaching out to draw
others, with total inclusiveness, into this communal