November 5, 2017
St. James United Church of Christ
Order of Worship on Sunday, November 5th, 2017
Worship Leader – Rev. Samantha Tuttle
All Saints Sunday
For Reflection
As surely as we belong to the universe, we belong together. We join here to transcend the isolated self. To reconnect, to know ourselves to be at home, here on earth, under the stars, linked with each other.
Let us take a moment now to settle into the silence. Hear and feel your quiet breathing. Hear and feel the quiet of this place and this community of people. In this quiet hour may our spirits be renewed. In this gathering of old and new friends may our minds be open to new truth, and our hearts be receptive to love, as we give thanks for this life we are blessed to share.
Welcome & Announcements
A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.
Responsive Call to Worship
Pastor: We come from different places to this sacred place of communal caring and celebration.
People: Sharing life’s journey with others is always a privilege.
Pastor: We are enriched by the company of each other, and are drawn closer to the heart of love in this time of worship.
People: May this gathering be touched with tenderness, refreshing us anew by the grace that encompasses this day.
All: Welcome to worship.
Opening Hymn: #4 – Joyful, Joyful, We Adore You
Opening Meditation
Let us take a moment to settle into the silence.
As we sit in the quiet, feel the life that stretches between us, filling this place. Feel the opening of all the windows of our beings, as we reach outward to the life around us, beyond this place, throughout all creation.
In silence now, we bring to our minds’ eye the people who have loved us and continue to love us: people who are not here with us today, but whose love we carry with us…people who are there every day, and whose care and love we sometimes take for granted…people who might be within our circle of love…could we but extend our circle a little further…In silence now, we hold these people in our hearts.
May our hearts be opened to all whose names and faces have crossed our minds: that old wounds may be healed, that constant joys may be celebrated, and that the love we share with the people in our lives may be our abiding teacher.
Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:6
Sermon by Rev. Samantha Tuttle – “Holiday Navigation” (Part 1)
Responsive Sharing
The Offerings and Offertory Music
We are surrounded by the beauty of the Earth. We are supported by the abundance of the Earth. In thankful response let us share our offerings as part of our celebration of life in this place.
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
And remembering those who have gone before us.
Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Holy Communion and Communion Music
Closing Hymn: #539 – Won’t You Let Me Be Your Servant?
(Verses 1-4 and 6)
Blessing and Sending
May the places where you walk become sacred spaces of the Holy God…
The places where you take your stand be signposts to the love of Christ…
The places where you rest be filled with the renewing grace of the Spirit.
Go in peace, and may the peace of God go with you.
Sharing the Peace as we go…
After worship, we hope you can join us for Communion Sunday Brunch next door in the Fellowship Hall.
Thought for the Day/Week
It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble, it’s what you know for sure, that just ain’t so. – Mark Twain
This Sunday, November 5th – Our musician is Jess Scobie. We thank him for sharing his talents with us.
Sunday November 12th – Rev. Samantha Tuttle will lead service and, as we head into the holidays, continuing teaching “Holiday Navigation”
Sunday November 19th – Rev. Mike Lyle will lead service.
Sunday November 26th – Churchwide Thanksgiving. Join us in the Fellowship Hall to share Thanksgiving leftovers 11AM – 12:30PM. The sanctuary will be open for private prayer.
Starting November 19th – Children’s Education at 10 AM for 4 -12-year-olds with Robin Scott. Robin is excited to begin leading Sunday School for youngsters once a month. Next date: December 17th.
Our beautiful Saint James T-shirts are available to all. Of fine quality and union made, the suggested donation is $20.
Our Statement of Faith
We gather in worship as an inclusive community, an open & affirming community of faith that transcends any distinctions based on gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, or religion…
Our formal worship flows into a living worship of love and support for one another as we pursue ways to reflect God’s reign of mercy, justice, and peace in our community and throughout the world…
….along with a continuing search for ways to celebrate the goodness of life together… and always reaching out to draw others, with total inclusiveness, into this communal experience.