Transfiguration Sunday February 11, 2018
For Meditation and Reflection
“Inner Presence, Outer Purpose” – By Eckhart Tolle. A New Earth.
“Being at one with what is doesn’t mean you no longer initiate change or become incapable of taking action. But the motivation to take action comes from a deeper level, not from egoic wanting or fearing. Inner alignment with the present moment opens your consciousness and brings it into alignment with the whole, of which the present moment is an integral part. The whole, the totality of life, then acts through you.”
Welcome and Announcements
A warm welcome is extended to all. Especially those who are worshipping at St. James for the first time or who have returned after an absence. Your presence enriches both us and this time of celebration together.
Call to Worship
Pastor: We have come into this place of hope
where our hearts and minds are opened to the future.
People: We have come into this place of justice where we set aside our fear to name freely every oppression.
Pastor: We have come into this place of song where we unite our voices in the somber and the beautiful melodies of life.
People: So let us celebrate this richness and diversity of life.
All: Welcome to worship.
Opening Hymn #73 – Enter, Rejoice, and Come In
Opening Prayer
Unpredictable, irrepressible, dancing, laughing Spirit, when we’re tempted to be cautious and hesitate, draw us forward into the surprising and joyful future you have waiting for us. When we’re tempted to opt for certainty, free our spirits to adventure and risk, as your people have always done. When we’re tempted to be shackled to comfort and conformity, enable us to leave such things behind, call us through your people into the surprise of each new day. Clear our vision, so we may see things, to which we’ve paid no attention in the past. Sharpen our listening, so we may hear pleadings and cries we’ve never heard before. Strengthen our hands, so we may do things we’ve previously not dared try. Put a new spring into our step, so we may follow your leading into new situations. And draw us dancing and laughing into tomorrow. Amen.
Scripture Reading: Mark 9:2-9
Sermon: The Evolutionary Effect of Light – by Rev. Samantha Tuttle
Responsive Sharing
Reflective Hymn: #584 – I Am the Light of the World
The Offerings and Offertory Music
Doxology: #780
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
The Lord’s Prayer (Traditional, with “debts”)
Closing Hymn: #82 – Go, My Children, with My Blessing
Blessing and Sending:
May we be wholly present in our own lives, ready to be surprised by the wonder of each ordinary moment. May the light around us guide our footsteps. May God’s breath stream within us. May God’s breath renew us. May God’s breath invigorate us. Go in peace, and may the peace of God go with you.
Sharing the Peace as we go…….And we hope you can join us for post-worship coffee and conversation in Fellowship Hall.
Childcare is now available during services at St. James. Thank you to Greta Harteis and Katie Sulek for your generous and caring work.
This Sunday February 11th:
The Church Council will meet before worship at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall.
Next Sunday, February 18th:
Sunday School (Adult and Children) on Febrary 18 at 10AM. Every third Sunday, children meet in the Fellowship Hall with Robin Scott. Adults meet in the Sanctuary with David Weintraub. We are currently listening to and discussing a Rob Bell podcast series.
Jammin’ at James open mike is happening February 18 with Dinner at 5:30, Music 6:30 – 8:30. Max Honn and Michael O’Brian, lead a monthly jam session. All musicians and music fans are invited to come dig the great acoustics in the St. James sanctuary!
Lovettesville Historical Society is meeting on February 18th at 2:00pm.
Worship next Sunday, will be led by Rev. Samantha Tuttle.
February 25th, worship will be led by Rev. Mike Lyle.
Our Statement of Faith
We gather in worship as an inclusive community, an open & affirming community of faith that transcends any distinctions based on gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, or religion.
Our formal worship flows into a living worship of love and support for one another as we pursue ways to reflect God’s reign of mercy, justice, and peace in our community and throughout the world… along with a continuing search for ways to celebrate the goodness of life together ……and always reaching out to draw others, with total inclusiveness, into this communal experience.