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April 2, 2017

Fifth Sunday of Lent

For Meditation and Reflection: “The Person Who Says It Cannot Be Done Should Not Interrupt The Person Doing It!”

Welcome and Announcements – A warm welcome is extended to all. Your presence both enriches us and this time of celebration together.

Call to Worship

Pastor: For all that is our life we offer thanks and praise.
People: For all life is a gift which we are called to use, to build the store of common good.
Pastor: As we worship together this morning, may we know once again that we are not isolated beings, but connected.
People: In mystery and miracle.
Pastor: To the universe.
People: To this community.
All: And to each other.

Opening Hymn: #475 – Blessed Assurance

Opening Prayer:

Storytelling God, who speaks to us in myths and legends and parables, teach us to find ourselves in those stories and to grow through them. Touch our hearts with the wonder of your images so we can see ourselves more clearly in our fullness and complexity. Strengthen us and nurture us. Grant us excitement and joy in this hour of worship, as we learn what it means to participate in what so often seems completely impossible. Amen.

Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Sermon by Rev. Samantha Tuttle: “Participating in the Impossible”

Responsive Sharing

An affirmation of Faith: (together – see insert)

Reflective Hymn: #503 – O, Savior, Let Me Walk With You

The Offerings and Offertory Music

Sharing of Joys and Concerns

Lord’s Prayer


Closing Hymn: #575 – O, For A World

Blessing and Sending

Pastor: The God we worship is never confined to this holy place.
So go and travel with the God who is found
In ordinary and surprising places.
Let us go from this place, facing and serving the world
with confidence, generosity and integrity.

People: Let us live out the heart of religion which is to bring together all that is divided, to live in the moment, to love mightily and to reverence the mystery, beauty and spirituality of all things and all people.

Sharing the Peace as we go…….And we hope you can join us for post-worship coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall.


Sunday, April 2nd

Our Worship leader will be the Rev. Samantha Tuttle. Her theme for the service will be “Participating in the Impossible.”

Next Sunday, April 9th

The Council meeting will convene at 9:30 in Fellowship Hall.

Our Worship leader will be the Rev. Mike Lyle, a recent visitor and friend of the congregation. His sermon topic will be “A Week of Choices”.

Easter Sunday, April 16th

We will continue our Easter tradition of recent years by beginning our worship with a brief Sunrise Service at the cemetery on the southeast edge of Lovettsville. This will be followed by a potluck breakfast at Fellowship Hall. The worship service will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the sanctuary. The Rev. Mike Lyle has graciously agreed to be our Worship leader for this service. We hope you can join us for all or part of this Easter celebration.

Sunday, April 23rd

Our Worship leader this Sunday will be Tena Brass. She will be celebrating Earth Day, and her worship topic will be “Waste Not.” As part of her theme, she would encourage everyone to bring one or more non-perishable food items to be donated to the local Food Bank.

“Jammin’ at James” will be held in the sanctuary from 6:30 – 8:00. Please come (and invite your friends) to participate in the open mic, or just enjoy the good music. Anyone who would like to provide a light supper for the musicians and attendees, please contact Tena Brass or Lauranne Oliveau.

Sunday, April 30th

Services will not be held at St. James today. On this fifth Sunday, we plan to travel to share worship with Grace Episcopal Church in Brunswick. Anyone needing directions or wishing to share a ride, contact Tena Brass or Janell Kinzie.

We are continuing our project to collect pill bottles, which are needed by organizations sending medicines overseas. A collection box is on the pew in the back of the Sanctuary. Please save your medicine containers (rinsed and with the labels removed, please) and donate them to this worthy cause.
